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恶 e

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丑恶 chǒuè hideous; repulsive; ugly

恶霸 èbà bullies

恶臭 èchòu malodorous; reeked; stench

恶毒 èdú malevolent; malicious; vicious; viciously; vilely; virulent

恶棍 ègùn miscreant; reprobate; toughs; villain; villains

恶化 èhuà deteriorates; deterioration; exacerbation; exasperate; soured; worsen; worsened; worsening

恶劣 èliè bad; inclement; vile

恶梦 èmèng nightmare; nightmares

恶名 èmíng notoriety

恶魔 èmó demon; devilish; fiend

恶人 è rén ungodly; wicked

恶俗 èsú vulgar

恶习 èxí abuse

恶心 èxīn nauseous

恶性 èxìng malignant

恶意 èyì animus; malevolence; malice; malicious; maliciously; viciousness

恶作剧 èzuòjù mischief

可恶 kěè abhorrent; abominable; loathsome; odious

善恶 shàn è good and evil

万恶 wànè evil

险恶 xiǎnè perilous; sinister

邪恶 xiéè baleful; evil; iniquitous; nefarious; unholy; wickedness

凶恶 xiōngè fiendish

罪恶 zuìè sin

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